
Last modified by Iris Spruit on 2025/01/24 13:53



The FSW houses several -20 and -80 freezers that are used for storing human tissue.



  • Collected body materials can be stored after collection in a refrigerator or freezer at the beta labs behind a closed door, only for a brief period.
  • Collected body materials may only be stored long term in freezers that are set up in a restricted area or a locked freezer.
  • Body materials collected may only be used for other studies than those in which the test subject participated after the subject has given permission (Informed Consent).
  • Collected body materials may only be stored long term if this has been included in the research protocol approved by the METC (or internal ethics committee) and after the consent of the subject (Informed Consent).
  • Stored body materials are coded in such a way that it is ensured that the origin of the sample can be traced at all times.

A number of user rules apply to the storage and use of freezers (-20 and -80). Below is an explanation of these user rules.

Location management

The freezer areas (PdlC, 4.B04) are managed by Location Management FSW. Classification and / or reclassification takes place exclusively in consultation with the Location Manager FSW.


To gain access to a freezer room, you must have an access key. The responsible head of the laboratory requests this from the freezer coordinator of his / her institute.

Location use

The users are responsible for keeping the area on, under, around and in the freezers clean. Final responsibility rests with the appointed freezer coordinators. All materials brought into the freezer room by the user must either be stored in the freezer or taken back out from the freezer room. No items may be left on, under or around the freezer without the permission of the freezer coordinator.


The users are at all times responsible for the optimal functioning of the freezers. To prepare for possible malfunctions, all freezers must be provided with the completed "malfunction protocol for freezers" form. The freezer coordinators are responsible for periodically checking and updating the contact details on this form. The Location Management manages the infrastructure, such as pipes, emergency power supplies, Building Management System (BMS) connection and monitoring log and alarms. Purchase of new (extra or replacement) freezers is done by the Location Management FSW.

In case of malfunction: call (071) 527 3600

Backup freezer(s)

Should a situation arise where a -20 freezer breaks down or needs to be cleaned, there is the option for users to temporarily transfer their material to a back-up freezer (including the registration of the samples). When commissioning the back-up freezer, the user must completely fill in the form on the back-up freezer and notify the freezer coordinators / Location Management. If this is not done, the freezer coordinator is entitled to immediately remove the stored material. The user is responsible for keeping the period during which the back-up freezer is used as short as possible and notifies the freezer coordinator / Location management when it is empty again. The back-up freezer should be left clean and free of ice after use by the last user, so that it is immediately available for new temporary use. For a defective -80 freezer, a back-up freezer will be delivered by the supplier (Snijders Labs) within 2-4 hours. There is no standard spare -80 freezer on site.


The users (freezer coordinators) are responsible for cleaning the freezer(s) themselves. Cleaning means: removing materials from the freezer(s) that are no longer used for research (destruction or external storage), removing the build-up of ice and condensation on the inside and on the door. The (periodic) defrosting of a -20 freezer can be done with help from the UFB. A -80 freezer does not need to be (periodically) defrosted.

Function and role of freezer coordinators

The position of freezer coordinator is fulfilled by researchers appointed by and from the institutes. The freezer coordinators have a controlling role with regard to the use of the various freezers for the storage of collected body materials within the FSW. They supervise the use, distribution and (periodic) maintenance / cleaning of the freezers. Furthermore, the freezer coordinators have a coordinating role in providing access to the freezer room and are the first point of contact for support in the event of a calamity. In order to be reachable outside opening hours of the PdlC, the freezer coordinators are equipped by Location Management with a mobile phone. Possession of the phone will be regulated between and by the freezer coordinators.

The current freezer coordinators can be found here.

Telephone number freezer coordinators: 06-48105166