Last modified by Kerwin Olfers on 2021/12/20 15:20
SOLO labsupport can be reached in various ways
- For immediate assistance at the FSW labs, Monday till Friday 09:00-17:00, please go to the SOLO office on the 1st floor room 1B11, or reach us by phone at 071-527 6763
- For research-related questions you can email us at:
- For direct contact with SOLO members you can find our profiles on the SOLO university page.
- For online-research related questions, try our SOLO Online Research Teams channel.
- For question about this Wiki please email Kerwin Olfers.
- For general information regarding labsupport team, reserving lab-equipment, or other information about research and SOLO, please see our SOLO website.
- Finally, for everything not research related, you can use our general email: