Hygiene Protocol

Last modified by Jarik den Hartog on 2024/11/07 16:36


These hygiene protocols describe which hygienic measures need to be taken when conducting a study with participants. Hygienic measures are described per research type. The research checklist is applicable to all research and equipment. It is advised to incorporate the hygiene protocols that apply to your study type in your own research script. When you are unsure how to clean certain pieces of equipment, please contact labsupport@fsw.leidenuniv.nl.  Please note that these hygienic measures have been drawn up taking both hygiene and the equipment into account. Some equipment contains sensitive parts that may get damaged when they are cleaned. 


The hygiene protocols apply to all SSH locations and research on location (at the participant’s home, at schools, etc.). On each SSH location there are kitchen facilities: 


  • Each lab has a small kitchen unit with cold water 
  • 2.4.22 Hair washing room 
  • 2.4.23 Disinfection room 
  • 2.4.24 Lab kitchen 

More information on kitchen facilities in other SSH locations will be added later. Please contact labsupport@fsw.leidenuniv.nl if you have any questions. 

Lab supplies

All supplies that are required to follow proper hygiene as described in this protocol, are provided by SSH labsupport. For more information on where to obtain the supplies and a list of supplies that are in stock, see Lab Supplies. 


For gloves the general rule applies: Wear gloves when you need to touch the participant. See also the Disposable gloves protocol. 

High level disinfection

If you scratch the skin before or during the attachment of reusable electrodes (like EEG electrodes), the electrodes can potentially contact the blood stream. This means high-level disinfection is needed to kill all possible viruses, fungi and bacteria. 

At FSW we make use of Incidin Plus for high-level disinfection. Incidin Plus is only available in the PdlC in the lab kitchens in SB02A and SB12 and in the Sylvius in lab kitchen 2.4.24. It is not allowed to use it in different locations. 

General Hygiene Protocol

Standard equipment

Standard computer task with mouse and keyboard

Computer tasks require the participants to sit by themselves. Stimuli such as texts, pictures, webpages, (blinking) lights, videos and audio are offered through a monitor and speakers. The participant gives his/her responses with the keyboard and/or a mouse. 

  • If necessary, clean keyboard and/or mouse with Incidin OxyWipe (make sure the wipe is not too wet). 
  • Follow the Research checklist. 

Response equipment

Response buttons or button boxes are used to collect the participant's response. 

  • If necessary, clean the response buttons with Incidin OxyWipe (make sure the wipe is not too wet). 
  • Follow the Research checklist. 

Microphone or voice recorder

A microphone or voice recorder is used to collect the participant's response.  


Audio is presented through headphones.  


One or more cameras are placed at a distance to monitor how participants perform a (computer) task and what kind of behaviour they exhibit. 

Phone/tablet/touch screen

A phone, tablet or touch screen is used to present a task/questionnaire and/or to collect participant's responses. 

  • If necessary, clean the device with Incidin OxyWipe (make sure the wipe is not too wet). 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 


Using electrodes or sensors on the body

Electrodes are used to measure physiology such as ECG, EDA, EMG and ICG. Sensors are used to measure physiology such temperature. Electrodes or sensors are placed onto the body. 

  • The researcher wears disposable gloves during skin preparation and when placing the electrodes or sensors onto the participant’s body: Disposable gloves protocol. 
  • If necessary, leads can be cleaned with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • For some equipment, such as Biopac BioNomadix, the use of straps is required. When possible, use the straps over clothes. If cleaning is required, the straps can be washed (use multiple straps to allow for drying), please contact labsupport@fsw.leidenuniv.nl when straps need to be washed. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist
  • ECG: follow the ECG protocol. 
  • EDA/GSR: follow the skin conductance protocol. 
  • ICG: follow the ICG protocol. 
  • (f)EMG: follow the fEMG protocol. 
  • TEMP: How to clean the TEMP transducers depends on the type of transducer. See here for an overview. Gently clean the TSD202A with Incidin OxyWipe (make sure the wipe is not too wet). Make sure the transducer is disconnected while cleaning and let the transducer dry before using it again.

Using finger cuffs, belts, wristbands or watch-like devices (e.g. polar)

Cuffs and/or straps are used to measure physiological phenomena such as blood pressure, pulse and oxygen saturation. These measuring items are placed around the fingers, wrists and/or upper arms.  

  • The researcher wears disposable gloves when placing the equipment onto the participant's body: Disposable gloves protocol. 
  • In general, leads, wristbands and watch-like devices can be cleaned with Incidin OxyWipe after use (make sure it is not too wet). When unsure how to clean something, contact labsupport@fsw.leidenuniv.nl.  
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 
  • Blood pressure: Blood pressure is measured using finger cuffs. These cuffs are very fragile and can easily break. Therefore, to minimize cleaning the cuffs, have the participant wash their hands with soap and preferably warm water before the cuffs are attached. If necessary, the equipment, including the cuffs can be cleaned gently with a slightly moist microfiber cloth. When the cuffs need to be cleaned, gently wipe the equipment with a moist microfiber cloth.  
  • Respiration: When possible, use the belt over clothes, so that it does not require cleaning. If cleaning is required, the belt can be washed (use multiple belts to allow for drying), please contact labsupport@fsw.leidenuniv.nl when straps need to be washed.  
  • PPG: After use, clean the pulse transducer gently with Incidin OxyWipe (make sure the wipe is not too wet). Make sure the transducer is disconnected while cleaning and let the transducer dry before using it again.
  • SpO2: After use, clean the ear clip or finger clip gently with Incidin OxyWipe (make sure the wipe is not too wet). Make sure the ear or finger clip is disconnected while cleaning and let the clip dry before using it again.

Using force transducers

Force transducers/dynamometers are used to measure gripping force. The participant holds the force transducer in his/her hand. 

  • If necessary, leads can be cleaned with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • The force transducers are covered with soft material and are hard to clean. It is recommended to have the participant wash their hands with soap and preferably warm water before using the force transducers. If necessary, clean the force transducers with Incidin OxyWipe and let them dry before using them again. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 

Eye tracking

Non-wearable eye tracking

Eye-tracking is used to measure participants’ eye movement. A non-wearable eye tracker is not physically connected to the participant. Optionally, a chinrest is used to keep the participant's head stable. 

  • Clean the chin rest (when used) with Incidin OxyWipe when it is made entirely from hard material. An EyeLink chinrest has soft materials. Cover the soft material of the chinrest pad with a headphone cover. The forehead rest can be wiped with Incidin OxyWipe. When a pad needs replacement, please contact labsupport@fsw.leidenuniv.nl. 
  • If necessary, the eye tracker (bar) can be cleaned gently with a lens cloth or microfiber cloth. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 

Wearable eye tracking (Tobii Pro glasses)

The participant is wearing glasses that register his or her eye movement. The glasses have a built-in eye tracker function and a scene camera to record the participant’s surroundings. The Tobii Pro glasses can be worn the same as normal glasses. They are connected to the recording unit though an HDMI cable. The participant is carrying this unit.  

  • The researcher wears disposable gloves when assisting the participant with putting on the glasses and adjusting the head strap to secure the head unit on the participant's head: Disposable gloves protocol. 
  • The glasses are fragile and hard to clean. It is recommended to only use the included lens cloth or a microfiber cloth to clean the glass lenses and other parts of the glasses gently. When more thorough cleaning is required, please contact labsupport@fsw.leidenuniv.nl. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 

Brain activity


A cap and electrodes are placed onto head and face to measure EEG. Use the protocols for preparing the skin, placing the electrodes onto the body and cleaning and disinfecting the equipment. 

  • The researcher wears disposable gloves during skin and hair preparation and when placing the electrodes: Disposable gloves protocol. 
  • After use and after removing the gel, clean the EEG cap and electrode bundle using the Incidin Plus EEG Cleaning Protocol. The researcher wears disposable gloves, safety goggles and a lab coat while cleaning with Incidin Plus. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 
  • Follow the EEG protocol. 
  • Follow the Incidin Pro EEG Cleaning Protocol. 


For measuring (f)MRI, the participant is placed onto a bed that can be slid into the (f)MRI scanner. He or she wears earplugs and headphones, and a head coil is placed onto the head. Subsequently, the response buttons are placed on both the participant’s legs.   


For measuring NIRS, a cap with optodes is placed onto the participant’s head. The cap and the chinstrap are used to connect the participant to the measuring equipment. The optodes touch the forehead of the participant. Currently, FSW only uses NIRS for conducting research with babies.   

  • The researcher wears disposable gloves during hair preparation and when placing the cap onto the participant. 
  • After use, disinfect the caps, chin straps and optodes using a soft cloth and isopropyl alcohol solution (70%). 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 


VR-glasses/Head mounted display (e.g. Oculus, VIVE)

Virtual Reality stimuli are offered through a head mounted display (HMD). The HMD is placed onto the participant’s head.  

  • The researcher wears disposable gloves when placing the HMD over the participant’s head: Disposable gloves protocol. 
  • Use disposable hygiene covers for the HMD. 
  • If applicable, use disposable headphone covers for the headphones.  
  • If necessary, clean the controllers with Incidin OxyWipe (make sure the cloth is not too wet). 
  • The lenses of the HMD can be cleaned gently with a Zeiss lens wipe or dry microfiber cloth or lens cloth and if necessary, lens and screen cleaning spray from Unbound. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 

Data Gloves (e.g. Manus)

The data gloves are used to realistically illustrate hand movements in (for example) VR situations.  

Tracking sensors (e.g. VIVE pucks or xSense)

Tracking sensors are used to record animations for a virtual character, or to operate a (live) avatar. This can be used in VR research.  

  • The researcher wears disposable gloves while applying the tracking sensors: Disposable gloves protocol. 
  • If necessary, clean the equipment with Incidin OxyWipe and let them dry for 15-20 minutes (not in direct sunlight!). 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 

(Sensory) Stimulation


Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is used to stimulate parts of the brain. When using tDCS, two (reusable) saline-soaked sponge electrodes are placed on the participant’s head. Rubber straps are used to keep the electrodes in place. An EEG cap is used to determine the correct position/brain areas where the electrodes need to be placed.  

  • The researcher wears disposable gloves during skin preparation and when placing the electrodes onto the participant’s head: Disposable gloves protocol. 
  • After use, clean the reusable electrodes with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • If necessary, leads can be cleaned with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 


Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) is used to stimulate the vagus nerve. For tVNS research, an electrode is placed onto the participant’s auricle like an earphone. 

  • The researcher wears disposable gloves during skin preparation and when placing the electrodes onto the participant’s ear: Disposable gloves protocol. 
  • After use, clean the reusable electrodes with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • If necessary, leads can be cleaned with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 


Itching or pain is induced via electrical stimuli. 

Heat pain (TSA-II, Pathway)

Cold or hot stimuli are applied to the participant's hand or forearm with a thermode. 

  • The researcher wears disposable gloves when placing the thermode onto the participant’s body: Disposable gloves protocol. 
  • After use, clean the thermode with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • If necessary, leads can be cleaned with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 

Cold water bath

The participant places his or her hand into a bath filled with cold water for a certain amount of time. Only use a circulating water bath that can be cleaned properly. Styrofoam boxes cannot be used.  

  • After using the water bath, remove the pump and do no close the box off, to allow for ventilation. 
  • If necessary clean the bath with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 

Pressure algometry (automated or hand-held)

Pressure is applied using a rubber tip that is placed on the participant’s thumb, hand or fingernail.  

  • The researcher wears disposable gloves when placing the rubber tip on the participant’s finger: Disposable gloves protocol. 
  • After use, clean the rubber tip and the hand model (e.g. when using automated pressure algometry) with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 


Specific hairs that induce itching are applied onto the participant’s skin, using tweezers.  

Histamine (iontophoresis)

Itching substances are directly placed onto the skin. Use the protocols for administering medication and for preparing the skin and/or placing the electrodes (in case of iontophoresis).  

  • The researcher wears disposable gloves when placing the substance onto the participant’s body: Disposable gloves protocol. 
  • After use, clean the leads (in case of iontophoresis) with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 



Nutritional supplements in the form of food or beverages are administered to the participant. 

  • Follow the nutritional supplements protocol: Nutritional supplements. 
  • The researcher prepares the food/beverage beforehand and places this on a tray inside the lab.  
  • Only use disposable tableware. 
  • After use, clean the tray with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 


The participant receives medication that he or she takes orally. After ingestion, the participant waits for a certain amount of time (30-120 minutes) before doing a specific task (behaviour, EEG, fMRI, brain stimulation, etc.).   

  • Follow the nutritional supplements protocol: Nutritional supplements. 
  • The researcher prepares the medication beforehand and places this onto a tray inside the lab.  
  • Only use disposable tableware . 
  • After use, clean the tray with Incidin OxyWipe. 
  • Follow the Research Checklist. 


Drug research is not conducted at the moment. If a researcher wants to conduct a drug study, he or she will be asked to draft a proposal and send it to  SOLO and the ethics committee for further review.  


To add flavour, a setup (which was co-developed by SOLO) is used that enables the oral administration of flavoured solutions through tubes. These tubes are between 2 and 7 metres long. The flavoured solutions are prepared beforehand. Human contact is possible when applying the mouthpieces.  


In scent research, the participant is presented with a certain scent. 


When collecting bio samples such as saliva, hair and blood, specific hygiene measures apply.