Qualtrics BSN Template

Last modified by Iris Spruit on 2025/01/24 14:19


Instructions for Qualtrics Payment Template

SOLO has created a template Qualtrics survey for collecting participant payment information, including BSN.

You can try the template here, and download it here (last changed: 11-02-2022). For instructions on how to use it, please see below. The template is in English but Dutch translations are included see here for more information.

Most of the questions in the survey require a response (i.e. have the forced response option enabled). And wherever possible, they also validate the content, e.g.: check whether the provided email is actually a valid mail address and whether the birthdate is formatted correctly.

The BSN and IBAN numbers are also checked and validated with custom JavaScript. This helps prevent typing errors and incorrect numbers (both BSN and IBAN follow very specific rules), however it cannot guarantee that the BSN or IBAN numbers actually exist. Furthermore, the rules for IBAN numbers are different per country and may be subject to change. At the moment most EU countries are supported, however if participants contact you with difficulties entering the IBAN, please let us know at labsupport@fsw.leidenuniv.nl

Finally, based on the participant ID and qualtrics ID a unique identifier code (externID) is created that can be used in communication e.g. to the participant and the FSSC for payment requests.

Below, you will find instructions for using the survey. Some basic knowledge of Qualtrics is assumed, if you are completely new to Qualtrics some general information can be found here.

1. Importing the survey

  • Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of the template here .
  • In Qualtrics, go to the "Create a new Project" > "Survey"
  • Select the Import a QSF File option
  • Give the survey an appropriate name.
  • Choose the QSF template file from your computer

2. Adjusting the settings

Once imported you should adjust the survey to fit your project, by setting the appropriate embedded variables, these include:

  • contact (the email address of the PI/researcher in charge of the project)
  • ppID (a unique identifier code that is also used and stored elsewhere in your study. If this value is not set by the researcher, the participant will be asked to enter a ppID number)
  • studyID (a unique code/name for you study)
  • amount (the amount to be paid, this value is optional and can be left empty)
  • Do not change any of the questions or questions texts, as that may break the survey functionality.

There are various ways of setting these values.

From Survey Flow:

You can set them directly from the Survey flow screen. Note that doing so makes these values the same for everyone who takes the survey, and is there for most suitable for the contact, studyID and amount values.


From the Distribution Link:

You can also set the values from the distribution link. Using this method you can manually create different links and send them to participants, or have the links created in a prior survey / task and use them to redirect the participants. This method is best for setting a unique ppID (participant ID) code for each participant.

Important note: since distribution link values are visible in the browser screen (see below), this makes it less suitable for the payment amount. As the participant could change the amount value themselves and reload the page. If you do wish to set the payment amount using the distribution link, we recommend using encoding to obscure values in the link. As this a bit more involved (see instructions here) we only recommend setting the amount from the link if you wish different participant to receive different amounts.image-20220202122235-3.png

By the participant

If no values are set by the above methods for studyID or ppID, the participant will be asked to enter these themselves (based on information provided to them by you).

Clearly, this method is more error prone and less user-friendly. So try to avoid it if at all possible.

3. Translations

Currently the template is in English and a Dutch translation is included.

4.  Collecting the data

Once you have started collecting data using the survey, make sure to export the data on regular intervals (e.g.. weekly) to a safe and secure place (i.e. on the J or P network drives)

  • Go to the Data & Analysis tab, and select Export Data from the dropdown menu
    • image-20220202122235-4.png


  • After you have successfully exported the data (make sure to check the exported file), delete the data from Qualtrics.
  • When you project has finished make sure to check if all collected data has been exported and deleted from Qualtrics.

4. Submitting to the FSSC

Finally, put the collected data into the Excel template for payment request. Make sure that

- In the reference column you put the study id / name. This is what the participant will see as the description on his / her bank account

- In the text column put the externID value that was generated,